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Gershwin, Grieg, and More

Jan 10, 2025  at 8:00PM
Photo: Alexander Iziliaevsasha

Gershwin, Grieg, and More

Jan 10, 2025  at 8:00PM

Our traditional January concert returns with a program of well-loved works by George Gershwin featuring internationally renowned British pianist Peter Donohoe, augmented this year by works of three other twentieth-century composers.

Gershwin is joined by fellow American Duke Ellington, as well as two European composers each considered the greatest of their respective countries. Romania’s George Enescu returns with Romanian Rhapsody No. 2, and—for the first time in our programming—Norway’s Edvard Grieg will be represented by two of his most beloved works: the Peer Gynt Suite and the Piano Concerto in a minor, in a not-to-be-missed performance by Maestro Donohoe.

For more information, please visit here.