Featured Artists
Nikolaj Szeps-Znaider
Beethoven’s beloved Concerto, renowned for its extraordinary tone and captivating melodies featuring "spine-shudderingly good” (New York Classical Review) Danish violinist and conductor Nikolaj Szeps-Znaider.
Nikolaj Szeps-Znaider performances of the Beethoven Concerto have drawn rave reviews: “Gorgeous. Extraordinary tone—big and golden even in the most aggressive passages, and sweet in the topmost register” (New York Classical Review). Hear this remarkable artist in a dual role as soloist and conductor in Beethoven’s beloved Concerto, a work that never ceases to command attention and inflames the imagination, from the four soft timpani notes that signal the first beautiful melody to the brilliant final flourish that summons standing ovations.
Violin Concerto
Symphony No. 7